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Landscapes by Dustin Farrell – Timelapse Video

PLEASE WATCH IN HD FULL SCREEN w/SOUND. It is a much better viewing experience. Hopefully you have a 1080P monitor and good connection. If not, bug a friend or colleague that does. It is worth it.

Landscapes: Volume 2 is the second of a three part series (probably). Every frame of this video is a raw still from a Canon 5D2 DSLR and processed with Adobe software. In Volume 2 I again show off my beautiful home state of Arizona and I also made several trips to Utah. This video has some iconic landmarks that we have seen before. I felt that showing them again with motion controlled HDR and/or night timelapse would be a new way to see old landmarks. (Dustin Farrell)

3 Kommentare

  1. Hammer das Video und vor allem die Landschaften. Wirklich erstklassig!

  2. […] Landscapes by Dustin Farrell – Timelapse Video Share this:TwitterFacebookGefällt mir:Gefällt mirSei der Erste, dem dieser gefällt. By AP-TECH.de • Veröffentlicht in AP-TECH.de • Getaggt mit Viceo 0 […]

  3. Ich war auch extrem begeistert als ich das Video das erste mal gesehen hatte. Genau da will ich auch mal mit meiner Kamera hin.

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